Liege Badminton Club

Le LIEGE BADMINTON CLUB                                  |
Athenee Royal de Fragnee                                 |
Rue des RIVAGEOIS 2                                      |
4000 LIEGE                                               |
About 100 c1,c2,d players (3 inter-clubs teams)          |
WHEN : monday, wednesday and friday from 18h30 to 20h30  |
National tournament : 1 june 1996 (doubles in pools)     |
Entry forms -> 15 may                                    |
Contact:                                                 |
Alain SCHYNS (Rue de la Vaulx 60 4621 RETINNE B BELGIUM) |
e-mail:                    |

Submitted by Alain Schyns Last update 22APR96