Revision: 13 January 1995

The name of this organization will be the Santa Rosa Badminton Club .
The purposes and objectives of this organization will be to:

1. Assemble people with the common interest of participating in and/or promoting recreational and competitive badminton.
2. Offer instruction and coaching in the sport of badminton to both members and non-members.
3. Sponsor promising local players in both instructional and competitive endeavors.
4. To promote the sport of badminton through organization of tournaments.
5. To promote the sport of badminton through training, informational programs, and assistance of local school teams.
6. To compete in matches against other badminton clubs.
Membership in the Santa Rosa Badminton Club is open to anyone. The fee schedule as shown below may will be strictly enforced.

Section I -Annual Club dues shall be payable January 1 of each year and will expire January 15 of the following year.

Section II - The yearly fee schedule is as follows:
Adults: (21 years of age as of Jan 1 of the year of membership): $20
Students: (16 years of age as of Jan 1 of the year of membership): $10
Juniors: $5

Section III - Non-members may participate in club activities, though may be charged a reasonable fee in addition to any other normal costs that would be incurred by members.

Section IV -Honorary membership may be bestowed upon worthy individuals upon approval of the board and a two-thirds majority vote of the membership .

Section V - Any Club membership may be terminated by written application to the president, or allowed to expire and not renewed.

Section VI - Lifetime membership will be granted upon request for any donation of $200 or more.

Section VII - Club membership may be revoked under the terms of ARTICLE VI Section III

The governing body of this club will consist of the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary/Treasurer.

Section I - officers will be elected for a term of one year at the first business meeting of each calendar year, with such term ending at the next election meeting. All responsibilities will pass immediately to the new officers. 

Section II - all elections shall be of a simple majority of members present, with all votes counting equally. In the lack of a simple majority, a runoff election will be held to decide between the top two candidates, again being decided by a simple majority.

Section III-If a vacancy occurs during a term of office, the president shall appoint a member to fill the position until an election can be held. Election shall be at the next regularly scheduled business meeting or at a special election meeting, whichever comes first. If the vacancy is the president then the vice president automatically becomes president and will proceed as above to select a new vice-president

Section IV - The duties of the president are to:
1. Preside at all meetings.
2. Appoint necessary committees.
3. Call special meetings.
4. Arrange for regularly scheduled meetings.
5. Be responsible for all official club business.
6. preside over any and all disputes between members.

Section V -The vice president shall assume the duties of the president in his absence.

Section VI -The duties of the Secretary/Treasurer are to:
1. keep an accurate record of all business transactions.
2. maintain a membership roll.
3. keep attendance.
4. conduct all necessary correspondence.
5. be custodian of all funds in this organization.
6. collect all dues and monies from other sources pay all bill.
7. give a complete verbal report of finances at each regular business meeting.
8. provide a yearly written financial statement.

Section I - Meeting Times

Santa Rosa Badminton Club meetings shall consist of 
1. Regular Meetings- club members meet to play badminton. These are to be on a scheduled basis dependent upon availability of facilities.
2. Business Meetings- club members meet to discuss club-related business. These may be held in conjunction with or separate from Regular meetings.
3. Special Meetings- arranged as needed for specific purposes, such as for tournament organization and for elections.

Section II - Attendance

All club meetings will be open to anyone (member or non-member) except when designated Closed by a consensus of the club officers. Non-members may be required to pay a fee.


Section I - Purpose of the club

The purpose of this club is defined in Article I. All club members are bound by this purpose in their conduct of any events or business related to the club. No club equipment or funds or other resources shall be used for purposes contrary to Article I.

Section II - Misconduct

Any disputes or charges of misconduct between members , that cannot be resolved by those members, will be handled by the club officers upon written request of any member. If the issue involves club officers then it will be brought before the general membership at the next meeting.

Misconduct includes but is not limited to:
1. Deliberate damage to any club assets or equipment.
2. Intentional injury to any member or non-member.

Section III - Membership Revocation

Membership in this club may be revoked only for reasons of misconduct, stated in writing and presented at a club meeting and then only upon a 2/3 majority vote of all members present.


Any article or section of this Constitution may be amended by a 2/3 majority votes
at any meeting of the club, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has
been given in the notice of said meetings.


Section I - No club funds or resources shall be used for purposes which do not adhere to the purposes specified in Article II

Section - In the event that this club shall disband, all club owned property shall be sold and the proceeds of the sale- together with any funds on hand at the time- shall be contributed to a charitable organization to de selected by the membership.

Page maintained by Stan Bischof ( Last update: 27 August 2005 17:17